Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum, London, United Kingdom
In 2001 Mather & Company integrated Panelock Gallery Display System 400 into their design of the new Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum, set under the roof space of Centre Court.The Museum, home to memorabilia from any famous players, past and present, was extended to include a new hi-tech audio visual theatre and an art gallery.
Panelock Systems Limited worked closely with Mather & Company to provide a flexible multi-functional space which allowed the Museum to display a larger proportion of its remarkable collection.During busy championship periods, when space was at a premium, or when the gallery was required for hospitality events, the display panels could be speedily moved, complete with art work, into specially designed storage areas.Panels could likewise be relocated as circumstances demanded, thus creating the opportunity for many varied displays.
When, in 2005, the Museum moved to its present purpose-built site adjacent to Gate 3 in order to make way for the new retractable roof over Centre Court, the designers were able to re-use the existing System 400 and, with the purchase of a small quantity of additional track components, recreate the multi-functional display area.Thus the original panels and track are still providing the same flexibility and giving the same sterling service and have proved over the last 11 years to have been an economical and environmentally sound investment.
2006 : The same System transferred to the new Museum